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TUTANK Active Learning is a Norwegian educational learning game which combines maths and additional daily physical activity at school. A new approach to learn maths combined with physical activity, gaining a deeper mathematical understanding for children while having gym and fun.



[ VIDEO 1 ]

[ VIDEO 2 ]


Students in elementary and secondary schools participating in the game are involved in a new, fun-filled way of learning. Parts of the educational instruction moves from the classroom to the gym or outdoors. It is an excellent tool in physical education classes, in which it can combine mathematical exercises and provide new educational alternatives. Tutank can be used across different disciplines such as mathematics and languages.

Tell me – and I forget
Teach me – and I might remember
Involve me – and I learn

(Benjamin Franklin)

With TUTANK, all the children are involved socially, physically, and mentally. They learn to work together and do lots of exercises. At the same time, children learn mathematics, Norwegian, and English. Each of the teams work together to solve problems, all children are included and no one stands outside.

The game increases confidence and a sense of empowerment in the children.

Tutank is anti-bullying, socializing, fun, and exciting. It creates new friends across different ages and different grades at school.

Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/TutankGames
Contact us by E-mail: post@activityschools.com



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